
The future development trend of slitting machine

07. September, 2023delish0

With the wide application of slitting machines, the demand for slitting machines on the market is also increasing, today Xiaobian for the future development of slitting machines to talk to you, mainly the development direction of slitting machines is reflected in what aspects?

1. Framework structure:

Whether it is one slitting or two or three slits, domestic slitting machine manufacturers should invest energy, in the frame structure to study the slitting machine slitting machine, effectively from the slitting machine manufacturers, plan a more reasonable slitting machine, get rid of the plagiarism phenomenon of the production of slitting machine, study and plan a personalized slitting machine, so that the different data of the slitting are more detailed in structure, in the next round of international market competition, to provide a favorable weapon for film making enterprises, but also to their own enterprises to find a blue ocean.

2. the automatic control part:

At present, the automation level of the domestic slitting machine is still stuck at the middle and lower level, although the domestic control of the original equipment has been very widespread, the price is also relatively low, but the domestic slitting machine manufacturers in the depth of use is far behind the level of foreign developed countries, especially in the control system and the structure of the slitting machine, and the material slitting lacks organic combination, at this level, the vast majority of domestic slitting machines still stay on the thick line, have not yet more deeply experienced the tightness and rationality of the slitting machine control system. Domestic slitting machine manufacturers should start from the above directions to find a way that fits the principle of slitting machine control and can use the functions provided by hardware to the limit.

3. Production:

This is the common problem faced by China's production industry, any mechanical equipment, in addition to reasonable planning, but also requires precision in production, and China's production industry is lacking in this regard, in addition, the production process is also a weak link, production of slitting equipment, in addition to some general machine tools, also need to have some special equipment for making slitting machines, such as dynamic balancing machines, water cutting machines, etc., because the slitting machine production accuracy requirements are high, so, some equipment needs to use CNC machine tools to process parts, In particular, it is necessary to use machining centers throughout the process, so that the processing accuracy of the equipment produced by the slitting machine can be fundamentally guaranteed.